Industrial washers
InspectionWash™ Front-Loaded Industrial Washer
Fives’ Smart Automation Solutions Division InspectionWash cabinet washer cleans and dries powertrain components, preparing them for random laboratory inspection.
RoboWash™ Robotic Industrial Parts Washer
Fives’ Smart Automation Solutions Division RoboWash is a high-precision industrial parts washer featuring a patented removable 6-axis robot and fully automated parts manipulation process.
RotaryPartWash™ Industrial Parts Washer
Fives’ Smart Automation Solutions Division RotaryPartWash is a high-volume industrial parts washer for high-precision cleaning of cylindrical powertrain components.
SmartWash™ 5-Axis CNC Washing Machine
Fives’ Smart Automation Solutions Division SmartWash NC industrial parts washer is the only flexible washer of its kind, capable of cleaning nearly any prismatic part.
TunnelWash™ Industrial Washer
Fives’ Smart Automation Solutions Division TunnelWash is a conveyorized industrial parts washer designed to perform high-speed, low-cost batch cleaning of small automotive components.