Fives invites all stakeholders – employees, customers, suppliers, shareholders and partners
to join forces, supporting the commitment of "Faire aimer l’industrie".
At the end of 2018, Fives decided to modify its governance and management structure to become more agile, enabling rapid response to its dynamically changing markets.
A Société par Actions Simplifiée (limited company under French law), Fives is led by its Chairman & Chief Executive Officer, Frédéric Sanchez, and acts in agreement with a Supervisory Committee.
The Chairman & CEO is assisted in his decision-making by operational bodies, including a Senior Executive Committee. It is supported by Executive Committees, local Coordination and Steering Committees.
Supervisory Committee
Compromised of individuals who are external to the Group, meeting several times throughout the year to oversee Fives’ Group management.
- Chairman: SENARD Jean-Dominique
- Members:
- GAILLARD Dominique
- PARISOT Laurence
- REICHSTUL Philippe
- GUICHARD Stéphane
- DUFRESNE François
Bpifrance Investissement
Represented by Samuel DALENS
Senior Executive Committee
Defines Group-wide priorities and policies.
- Frédéric Sanchez, Chairman & CEO
- Suresh Abye, Finance Director
- Alain Cordonnier, Deputy General Manager, President of the Cement & Minerals Division
- Sébastien Gauguier, Deputy General Manager, President of the Aluminium Division
- Guillaume Mehlman, Deputy General Manager, President of the Steel and Glass Division
- Denis Mercier, Deputy General Manager
- Céline Morcrette, Human Resources Director
- Michelle Shan, Country Director for China
- Frédéric Thrum, Deputy General Manager, President of the Energy Division
Executive Committee
Implements decisions taken by the Senior Executive Committee, and examines the relevance and effectiveness of cross-company policies based on operational feedback.
- Frédéric Sanchez, Chairman & CEO
- Suresh Abye, Finance Director
- Hervé Boillot, Mergers & Acquisitions Director
- Daniel Brunelli-Brondex, Country Director for India
- Alain Cordonnier, Deputy General Manager, President of the Cement & Minerals Division
- Sébastien Gauguier, President of the Aluminium Division
- Arnaud Lecoeur, General Counsel
- Guillaume Mehlman, Deputy General Manager, President of the Steel & Glass Division
- Denis Mercier, Deputy General Manager
- Céline Morcrette, Human Resources Director
- Frédéric Renaud, Country Director for Italy
- Michelle Shan, Country Director for China
- Frédéric Thrum, Deputy General Manager, President of the Energy Division
- Thierry Valot, Innovation and Digital Director
- Frédéric Brunier, Operational Performance Director
Local Coordination and Steering Committees
Outline the Group’s strategy in North America, China and Italy and, if necessary, adapt Group strategy to local specificities in these three areas, and oversee their implementation.