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Stein reheating furnaces for green performance in China

HBIS SHISTEEL - Shijiazhuang Iron & Steel Company within the China’s HBIS Group – ordered two reheating furnaces to reheat blooms and billets. The ultimate choice was Stein Digit@l Furnace® from Fives due to its green performance.

Stein Digit@l Furnace® from Fives

Due to the Chinese government’s strategy to reduce harmful emissions and improve air quality, steelmakers are committed to relocating facilities and choosing green technologies for non-polluting performance. HBIS SHISTEEL is relocating its steelmaking facilities 80 kilometers away from Shijiazhuang city and setting new standards for cleaner, more flexible and more efficient steelmaking in China. Commissioning of the complete steel plant at the new location is scheduled by the end of 2020. 

The Stein Digit@l Furnace®, a waking beam furnace, will have a production capacity of 130 tons per hour and will operate on natural gas. The furnace is equipped with the patented wide flame burners and a combustion system with individual on/off control. The wide flame burners improve the crosswise and lengthways temperature profiles of the products, while the individual on-off control allows to obtain high thermal efficiency while reducing fuel consumption and NOx emissions. 

The scope of the project on EPC basis includes engineering, equipment supply, erection and commissioning, which will be completely executed by Fives Stein Metallurgical Technology (Shanghai), a Fives’ subsidiary in China.