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Fives Solios pledges to reduce the carbon impact of transporting its equipment

In line with its vision and aware of the challenges of climate change, Fives Solios has committed to the FRET21 program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions linked to transport and logistics.

By joining the FRET21 charter, Fives Solios is committed to reducing its carbon impact linked to the transport of its equipment by 10% by 2026.

FRET21 is a voluntary initiative to help companies manage their action plans to reduce the environmental impact of their transport activities, supported by the French Environment and Energy Management Agency (ADEME) and the Association of Freight Transport Users. FRET21 is part of the EVE (Engagements Volontaires pour l'Environnement) programme. It is aimed at shippers (companies placing orders) and complements other specific schemes for carriers and freight forwarders. It is the only scheme recognised by the Public Authorities for this environmental approach.

As part of this program, Fives Solios will be taking concrete actions in five areas:

  • Limiting the use of air transport
  • Optimising loading rates for different parcels
  • Favouring environmentally-friendly transport solutions (maritime, groupage, rail, barge)
  • Set-up a combination of several modes of transport for road pre-carriage, on rail or barge
  • Priorising responsible purchasing with partners committed to environmental initiatives

The year 2023, for which an initial carbon footprint has been assessed by FRET21 experts, serves as the reference year. Each year, all transport carried out under Fives' responsibility will be analysed, enabling to draw up an annual carbon footprint and a comparison with the previous year. 

"The FRET21 program will enable us to become aware of and take action on the carbon footprint of the transport required to carry out our projects, by providing us with operational tools to assess our emissions, a proven methodology to manage our actions and individualized support" says Mamak Chiron, Chief Executive Officer at Fives Solios.

In short, FRET21 encourages companies to rethink their transport practices in order to help reduce emissions and preserve the environment. To find out more about this scheme: