Fives signs with a major French cement company

The client's rotary kiln currently uses 60% alternative solid fuel (ASF), i.e. 30% for the main burner and 30% for the satellite burner.
As part of a decarbonisation process, the client now wishes to achieve 100% use of alternative solid fuel (ASF).
Satisfied with Fives' expertise and their past collaborations, the client has once again called on the combustion teams to help achieve their objectives.
The 60 MW Pillard NOVAFLAM® Evolution burner designed by Fives is very versatile in terms of usable fuels. It can simultaneously fire up to 6 different types of solid and liquid alternative fuels (impregnated sawdust, wood, foam, etc.) in varying proportions. It will be installed as the main burner to replace the current one from a competitor.
This versatility will allow the client to make a mixed use of these fuels, according to their availability, while maintining plant production capacity using only ASF whatever the type. The mixture can be injected for a maximum total flow rate of 8t/h, i.e. approximately 70% substitution, the remaining 30% being taken care of by the satellite burner.
The Pillard NOVAFLAM® Evolution commissioning is scheduled to take place in the first quarter of 2022.