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Advanced solutions at Steel Success Strategies 2021

Fives, silver sponsor, is attending and presenting at Steel Success Strategies on November 7 – 9, 2021 in Miami, FL, USA.

After a rocky year for the steel industry, Steel Success Strategies 2021 aim to connect and provide leaders with insights and clarity into the forces driving the steel market movements.

This year’s panels hold the most senior speakers of any event on the market where attendees can learn from the minds that have experienced these market cycles before.

Fives will be presenting “Predictive Modeling to Provide Real-Time Control for Best Quality and Productivity" by Jean-Paul Nauzin, Innovation & Technology Director at Fives' Steel & Glass.

We will also highlight our advanced solutions:

  • Ultra-fast heating and cooling technologies for advanced lightweight automotive steel
  • Predictive modeling to enhance productivity and quality: SmartLine & VitruoTM

Discover Fives’ technologies at Steel Success Strategies 2021.