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Safe-T solutions


Fives supports its customers in complying with crane safety standards by providing comprehensive safety audits and upgrade services. By capitalizing on decades of field service experience on lifting and handling equipment, we have developed a range of innovative safety products and services to help fully protect cranes operators as well as facilities’ employees and assets.  


An innovative Safe-T product line

Safe-T Stop: installation of emergency stop devices at critical locations of the plant predetermined by our experts

Safe-T Zone: identification of critical or risky areas where the cranes shouldn’t operate and set up of automatic braking devices, that will stop and shut down immediately the cranes. This solution is more adapted to a permanent use.

Safe-T Crane: patented automatic braking and anti-collision device, adaptable to all kinds of overhead cranes. Removable, it stops and shuts down immediately the crane when it penetrates a risky area of the plant or approaches another crane. This solution is ideal for temporary use.

Enhance your plant safety with our full Safe-T package

1. Complete crane safety audit

2. Installation of:

  • Bodyguard
  • Electrical safety
  • Anti-collision systems
  • Safe-T Stop system
  • Safe-T Zone system
  • Anchor point
  • Lifelines

3. Exercices and emergency situations