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Hydrogen combustion solutions

Your trusted partner for hydrogen combustion

Industries looking to reduce their carbon footprint are turning to hydrogen as the world focuses on transitioning to clean energy. In addition to being an alternative to fossil fuels, combustion of hydrogen releases no CO2 or other adverse emissions.

At a time when many industrial companies are considering hydrogen as an integral part of their fuel mix, Fives stands ready to support their energy evolution.

Largest hydrogen-compatible burner portfolio in the industry

With more than 40 years of low NOx emission experience burning high hydrogen content fuels, Fives has the largest range of burners. Our wide array of burner accessories—code-compliant valve trains, BMS and more—are fit for 100% hydrogen combustion as well as for any blend of hydrogen with other fuels.Our burners meet the varied hydrogen combustion demands of numerous markets and applications, from metals and minerals to drying power & steam generation to chemical and petrochemical

Regenerative burners

North American TwinBed™ II

Multi-purpose burners

North American Magna-Flame™ LNI


Pillard NOVAFLAM® Evolution 


Pillard NANOxFLAM®, Pillard GRFLAM™, Pillard LONOxFLAM®

burners for incinerators hot gas generators

Pillard GRFLAM™, Pillard NANOxFLAM®


ITAS process burnersITAS Intensityflame

Cutting-edge hydrogen burner design capabilities

Our Fives European Combustion Center (FECC) in Piacenza (Italy), and our Thermal Process Laboratory in Cleveland, Ohio (USA), have unique hydrogen testing capabilities.

The FECC uses a 4 MW test furnace that qualifies our burners for any mix of hydrogen combustion, while our Cleveland facility boasts 12 testing stations that help design the hydrogen burners and furnaces of the future.

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