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Innovative technology for peak refinery performance

Oil and gas refinery operators are seeking to drastically reduce their NOx emissions to meet applicable regulations. Fives is an ideal partner for refineries, thanks to our deep expertise in managing fuel use and residual and high-viscosity liquid fuels. Our code compliant, low-emissions technologies keep installations operating non-stop at peak energy performance.

Turnkey flare systems and components for refineries

Flares dispose of surplus gases efficiently and effectively. Fives offers a wide variety of ITAS flares and turnkey systems to meet your refinery needs: 

High-efficiency burners for sulfur recovery units

Fives develops a wide range of burners specifically for sulfur recovery units (SRUs), including Claus process burners for desulfurization and complete SRU packages

Thanks to in-house computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling, we can tailor our solutions to fit unique process characteristics. The Pillard SULFLAM® is a leading acid gas burner for Claus thermal reactor furnaces. Its patented double stream tip improves recovery efficiency.  

We offer burners that are compact and easy to install. Fives’ ITAS Intensityflame is an industrial conical corner burner custom-designed for your refinery’s unique requirements. These efficient and adaptable burners are ideal for use in sulfur recovery units.

Furnaces for every step of the process

Converting crude oil into petroleum is a major process step. Reforming furnaces are vital for refineries, and Fives provides several downfiring burners to power this process, as well as air staging and fuel gas staging low-NOx burners.

Cracking furnaces enable refineries to separate gas from oil into distinct products. Fives has a range of burners to improve efficiency and emissions for this process step. Our North American Flat Flame™ can provide air or fuel staging.

Efficient and eco-friendly process burners

Fives develops high-efficiency process burners for refineries. Our patented  swirler device ensures perfect mixing and combustion even with low excess air. Our Pillard GRFLAM™ ND, equipped with this innovative technology, is a natural draft burner offering thermal efficiency and minimal CO emissions.  

Lean premix technology efficiently reduces emissions. Our North American EcoFornax™ LE burners use this innovation to maintain high combustion efficiency while limiting NOx emissions.  

The Pillard LONOxFLAM® is the latest generation ultra-low NOx industrial gas burner. It can achieve 50% NOx reduction thanks to combustion air staging and flame separation. 

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