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High-efficiency classification

FCB TSV™ Classifier

Easy and efficient classification for mineral and cement grinding mills

For a grinding mill to reach optimal performance levels, it needs to incorporate a highly efficient classifier that separates fine product from coarse materials. The classifier improves the product quality by ensuring it includes a minimum amount of coarse material. It also increases grinding efficiency and reduces mill power consumption by limiting the amount of fine product in the coarse material.

Fives’ FCB TSV™ Classifier offers a very large range of installation possibilities, and is easy and efficient to use. Our third generation FCB TSV™ Classifier offers further improvements to classification efficiency, making it the ultimate tool to maximize production in cement and mineral grinding mills.

Download FCB TSV™ Classifier brochure

Increase precision while reducing energy consumption

The FCB TSV™ Classifier offers flexible design that is perfectly adapted to separating fine product and coarse material in a large range of industrial applications.

Key technical features:

  • Circular damper with swiveling counter blades that can be adjusted while the equipment is in operation
  • Turbine with patented rotor blades and anti-vortex plates
  • Drive system with speed variation
  • Smart sealing system for top cut size steadiness
  • Wear-resistant protection adapted to any material and arrangement
  • Available from 800 mm (31 in) to 8 m (26 ft) diameter (up to 500 metric t/h finished product)
  • Can be fitted with an axial or tangential air inlet for dusty or non-dusty air, and be top or bottom feeding (or both)

A range of benefits for both cement and mineral plants

Fives’ FCB TSV™ Classifier has been widely used by major players in Cement & Minerals industries, thanks to its many advantages. These include:  

  • Increased grinding capacity thanks to higher grinding efficiency and minimized by-pass
  • Maximized cement strength with the minimal Blaine set point due to coarse fraction reduction
  • The possibility of concentrating product in a dry process where two fractions show a density difference (for example, phosphates or magnesite)
  • Easy and efficient control and removal of ultrafine fractions from any given powders or aggregates
  • Reduced fuel consumption thanks to a higher reactivity of solid fuels in cement kilns and precalciners
  • Better burnability of raw meal in the cement kiln
  • Very low power consumption
  • Optimized fineness target values for increased capacity
  • Strictly controlled particle size distribution
  • Low separator pressure drop