Who strengthens the links between business and community each and every day,
designs factories which take into account the people who will work there?
Fives can quickly respond to customers, partners and employee expectations, positioning a diverse team of individuals at the core of its strategy; reinforcing initiatives, including environmental safety, and fighting climate change, while respecting shared values.
A CSR policy to create long-term value
In 2008, Fives established its corporate social responsibility (CSR) policy, launching initial actions for business ethics, risk prevention, health and safety, and eco‐design. Since 2019, Fives’ CSR commitments have evolved, now incorporating new challenges involving diversity in all activities, geographic locations, and the Group’s level of maturity. Fives strives to
reinforce its actions for key subjects linked to its mission as a responsible industrial group and its commitment to promoting the “Industry of the future.” Fives numerous activities and employees’ day‐to‐day responsibilities create opportunities for developing long‐term value, contributing to its innovative focus and operational excellence.
Fives' csr commitments

1st engagement
Reduce the environmental impacts of Fives’ sites
Improve the environmental performance of its customers
Use the Group’s expertise for the benefit of the circular economy and to combat climate change

2nd engagement
Protect the health and safety of the women and men working at Fives
Promote diversity and guarantee equal opportunities

3rd engagement
Encourage civic engagement among employees
Support the local economy and contribute to employment

4th engagement
Promote honest, fair behavior in markets
Deploy a responsible purchasing approach

contributing to the united nations sustainable development goals (SDG)
Fives’ CSR approach reflects the Sustainable Development Goals established in 2015 by the United Nations (UN) to “Achieve a better and more sustainable future for all” by 2030.
Among the 17 sustainable development goals set by the UN, Fives selected nine, creating concrete and long‐term actions, considering three aspects of a sustainable approach, including economic, social and environmental.

Joining the United Nations Global Compact
Fives decided to join the United Nations Global Compact in 2011, reporting on its own CSR commitments, providing annual progress updates on its planning and actions.
The United Nations’ Global Compact is a call for companies to align strategies and operations with ten universal principles, based on human rights labor, environment and anti‐corruption; taking action to advance the UN’s objectives and challenges established in its sustainable development goals.
ASSESSING of csr performance
Fives has chosen to have its CSR performance assessed annually by a third party, EcoVadis.
In 2022, the Group was once again in the top in its category and all companies combined (75,000) with a score of 71/100.
And Fives has been awarded with the Gold supplier status