Who is able to advance business ethics,
and promote its values worldwide?
Ethics, “Being a responsible economic player”, is the fourth pillar of Fives’ corporate social responsibility (CSR) policy. This issue is crucial for the Group and reflects the same dedication to excellence that Fives shows its customers.
Being irreproachable
in terms of business ethics and integrity
Ethics is a fundamental component of the values on which Fives is built, a critical value to ensure the sustainable growth of its activities and create an enduring competitive edge.
Every employee is expected to act in strict compliance with laws and regulations, to be loyal and honest and to demonstrate exemplary behavior in terms of business ethics.
Reference documents
The Business Ethics Charter deployed within the Group specifies the rules of conduct, the main actions and ethical obligations that each employee must follow at all times while going about their daily work. It upholds a principle of zero tolerance for fraud in all its forms, in particular corruption and influence peddling.
Some situations can be complex: it is important that employees can openly express their legitimate concerns, their points of view and can report any behavior or requests that are unacceptable or at odds with the Group’s values as expressed in the Business Ethics Charter.
It is essential to ensure that any inappropriate behavior by the Group, one of its employees or even a third party with which the Group is connected is examined in detail and that appropriate measures are taken, regardless of who is involved.
A dedicated organization
The Group Compliance Officer has endeavored to strengthen and deploy this demanding business ethics policy. Their role is to support the directors and managers with decision-making and to promote the culture of integrity that the Group encourages in all of its employees.
The Business Ethics Charter and the entire compliance system are entirely consistent with the results obtained by the Group in terms of anti-corruption.
Training for employees
Beyond the reference documents (Business Ethics Charter), Fives provides a training and awareness program to its employees. First of all to employees working in highly-exposed areas (such as purchasing) and then to all Group employees to raise their awareness of the risk of corruption.
internal system of professional alerts
Fives has introduced a whistleblowing system, through which everyone can report breaches (fraud or corruption, conflicts of interest, safety, discrimination, harassment, harm to the environment, etc.). The solution guarantees the protection of the whistleblower while their alert is being processed.