Sugar crystallization
World-class equipment for the complete sugar crystallization process
Fives, with the legacy names Cail and Fletcher, is a world leader in sugar and bioenergy production lines. We design premium equipment for every step of the sugar crystallization process to help streamline plant operations of any size. Our proven technologies are fully automated, flexible and energy efficient.

Continuous Vacuum Pans (CVP) offering unmatched quality and performance
Fives’ latest-generation CVPs represent the industry standard for cane and beet crystallization. They offer excellent thermal and mother liquor purity drop performance, and optimum sugar crystal quality. Available in a wide range of capacities to suit our clients’ needs, they are fully automated and can be equipped with smart monitoring technology.

Cail Continuous Vacuum Pan
The unit features horizontal tubes, which can easily be added to in order to increase capacity. It provides optimal process efficiency thanks to its high heat exchange coefficient, the use of low steam pressure and a predictive control system.
Fletcher Continuous Vacuum Pan
Its vertical tubes offer excellent heat exchange and massecuite exhaustion. It is easy to operate and maintain thanks to its compact design, low incrustation rates and long cleaning intervals.
Fully split Continuous Vacuum Pan
This CVP is suitable for first strikes or high purity application, to enable equipment cleaning during operation. It also supports the combination of two different massecuites in the same equipment.
The process efficiency of CVPs is optimized when using the Cail & Fletcher Monotrac and Hydrotrac probes for brix measurement.

Barometric condensers for optimum quality and low water consumption
The vapor produced in a vacuum pan or evaporator must be condensed in order to create the vacuum in which the crystals can grow. Fives’ Cail & Fletcher barometric condenser provides deep and stable vacuum for sugar crystallization, evaporation and filtration. It offers particularly low water consumption, is not sensitive to water quality and requires very little maintenance. It is available in three different designs (Cail, Rain Tray and Petal) to accommodate various plant conditions.
The Cail & Fletcher barometric condenser liquefies the vapor coming from the vacuum pan, through direct contact with cold water in a counter current. Water is discharged from the bottom via a barometric leg, or drain, and incondensable gases are collected at the top before being discharged into a vacuum pump.

Cooling Vertical Crystallizers: Minimize molasses purity, boost performance and revenue
The Cail & Fletcher Cooling Vertical Crystallizer (CVC) maximizes the purity drop of molasses (minimum five points, depending on the nature of non-sugars) by controlling massecuite viscosity and cooling temperature profile. The massecuite cools down at a pace of 1°C per hour to 40°C, with no cascade cooling compared to horizontal crystallizers. Its cooling tubes are 100% seamless and fixed, and all the welding points are placed on the outside of the crystallizer, to prevent leakage in the massecuite. For beet application, a part of the vertical crystallizer can be dedicated to massecuite reheating.
This vertical system requires little maintenance and enables low energy consumption (0.03 to 0.05 kWh per metric ton of cane).
Download Cail & Fletcher Vertical Cooling Crystallizer brochure

Fives’ massecuite reheater for optimized centrifugation
Featuring a high heating surface of up to 1,400 m2, the Cail & Fletcher massecuite reheater is a simple and efficient device for conditioning low-grade massecuite prior to centrifugation.
The equipment reduces massecuite viscosity for optimal centrifugation and throughput. Its robust, compact design enables high massecuite flow rates with minimal maintenance.

Outstanding fluid transfer performance with Fives’ SUMO massecuite and magma pump
The Cail & Fletcher SUMOTM massecuite pump is Fives’ latest-generation pump for transferring massecuite and magma at high volume. Its steady, reversible flow rate and low rotation speed preserve sugar crystals throughout the pumping process.
Its key benefits include:
- Flexibility: change the drive side from right to left or the piston configuration from single to twin
- Low maintenance: minimal wear due to low speed and easy cleaning by steam or water injection
- Robust design: mechanical seal, cast iron body and forged steel rotor
- Wide manufacturing range: flow range from 3 to120 m3/h, pressure up to 8 bars and viscosity up to 10,000 Pa.s.
Download Cail & Fletcher SUMO™ massecuite and magma pump brochure