A virtuous industry built on ethics, respect, diversity and frugality 

In 2020, the global COVID-19 pandemic reminded us how quickly the world can change, and that industrial companies face complex and varied problems. More than ever, organizations must adapt to these ongoing changes, and transform to demonstrate their resilience.

As a company with two hundred years of history, Fives has coped with crises and revolutions in the past while remaining loyal to its sense of purpose: Faire aimer l’industrie. In 2020, the Group reiterated its willingness to do business ethically, creating long-term value for all its stakeholders. For this purpose, it relies on a frugal management style, agile governance and strict business ethics. Fives has also maintained its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) commitments announced in 2019, which are based on four pillars:

  • Be a responsible employer
  • Minimize the environmental footprint of Fives and its customers
  • Support local development
  • Be a responsible economic actor.


Fives’ CSR approach is regularly communicated and assessed by external organizations:

Global Compact

Fives, a member of the United Nations Global Compact since 2011, underlines its role in a global community of companies concerned about Human Rights, working standards, the environment and the fight against corruption. 

Link to PDF 


Since 2012, Fives has been rated by EcoVadis, a corporate social and environmental rating agency. In 2020, with a score of 78/100, Fives was given the status of “Platinum” supplier, in the top 1% of rated companies.

Link to PDF

Vigeo Eiris

In 2020, Fives was rated for the first time by Vigeo Eiris, a leading non-financial rating agency. V.E. rates organizations’ consideration of social and environmental factors and governance in their strategy, their operations and their managerial functions. The score given to the Group places it in the top third of the industry’s companies, and allows it to identify areas for improvement.

Link to 

Solar Impulse

Fives is working to receive certification for some of its products from the Solar Impulse Foundation, which is committed to promoting efficient technologies to combat climate change. The Solar Impulse Efficient Solution label is awarded to industrial solutions which are environmentally-friendly and profitable.

Link to 


In a business environment disrupted by the health crisis, Fives posted a good operational performance despite a difficult context, and has a solid outlook for 2021.


In 2020, the Group's organization demonstrated its solidity and its ability to respond rapidly to complex and varied issues.

Ethics #&# Risk Management

Fives continues to strengthen its risk management system to better manage instability and protect itself from new threats, while ensuring business continuity.

Health #&# Safety

Ensuring the health and safety of employees, while preserving activity, in times of pandemic: Fives takes up the challenge.