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Fives Intralogistics awarded "Industry of the Future Showcase"

Press release

Fives Intralogistics (in Chasse-sur-Rhône – in the Isère department of south-east France) has been awarded the “Industry of the Future Showcase” label by the Industry of the Future Alliance, for its innovative industrial transformation project, based on the reorganization of production, notably through digital technology, and an appreciation of the human role; two crucial factors for recovery from the Covid-19 crisis and building a new industrial future.

The “Industry of the Future Showcase” label (Vitrines Industrie du Futur)

Awarded following recommendation by an ad-hoc committee of the Alliance for the Industry of the Future (AIF) and approval by its Board of Directors, the “Industry of the Future Showcase” label has been awarded since 2015 to those industrial actors most committed to their transformation. SMEs, mid-cap businesses and major industrial groups can submit their application and be awarded the label, which is a marker of dynamism and competitiveness.

Of the 97 industrial companies currently qualifying for the “Industry of the Future Showcase” label, Fives Intralogistics is the only one in its specific sector.


The Industry of the Future project

Fives Intralogistics’ “Industry of the Future” project is emblematic of the company’s complete transformation, in a context of strong growth.

In concrete terms, it involved bringing new industrial tools into service at the end of 2020, integrating configurators, digital continuity, the implementation of PLM (Product Lifecycle Management), a 3D immersion space for training and immersion with the installations designed, and the deployment of fully digitized technical documentation, including in the workshops.

At the same time, particular attention was paid to improving working conditions and to the energy efficiency of the buildings.

Fives Intralogistics also chose, in this context of transformation, to strengthen its local partnerships with the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region and Vienne-Condrieu conurbation.


These new work tools are supporting and accelerating the shift to the industry of the future, with the development of a new range of products for which production will be concentrated at the Chasse-sur-Rhône site (Isère department) to meet the needs of the group’s various subsidiaries in Europe, taking the form of a center of expertise. With this project, Fives Intralogistics has had the opportunity to apply the best standards of the Industry of the Future to its own work tools.


Sébastien Laurent, Executive Director of Fives Intralogistics SAS, commented: “This project is a showcase of the projects that we can deliver for our customers: innovative, demanding, agile, efficient, and demonstrating the intense commitment of our colleagues. We are all very proud to have been recognized in this way!”

The results are in: reduced costs, reduced time to market, improved sales and revenue, increased attractiveness and international development.

The aim is to replicate this pilot project throughout the group.