Giddings & Lewis V 1250

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- 1250 mm (49.21 in) plain table with boring mill jaws
- Adjustable rail height 800 mm (31.5 in)
to 1700 mm (66.9 in) - Maximum swing 1650 mm (65.0 in)
- X-axis travel +825 mm/-450 mm (23.62/8.86 in)
- Z- axis travel 1400 mm (55.1 in)
- Milling spindle power 18.5 kW (25 hp)
- Table power 45 kW (60 hp)
- C-axis 360,000 position contouring table
- Linear scales on X and Z axes
- Hydrostatic ram size 230 mm sq (9.06 in sq)
- Coolant & chip conveyor system
- HPMA Renishaw tool probe
- Capto C8 tool interface for turning
- #50 ANSI B5.50 for milling
- 20-position tool changer
- Fanuc 0i-TF Plus control
- Installation and 12-month warranty
Options Available:
- Part probe
- High pressure coolant system
- Full enclosures
- Mist collector
Giddings & Lewis V-Series
Affordable without Compromising Quality
Fives Giddings & Lewis building rigid, accurate
and reliable machine tools for over 160 years.
- Large ram cross section adds rigidity for heavy cuts
- Cast iron cross-braced construction
- Table sizes 800 - 1600 mm