
The lack of wind: there is nothing worse for a sailor, especially when racing. Enough to regret the cold and violence of the southern seas. "This is not the right scenario", Louis soberly said yesterday, who has been trying, since Sunday, to escape from an anticyclonic bubble that is swelling and stagnating off the coast of Buenos Aires. In 4 days, he has only been able to progress 450 miles towards the North. Each mile was nevertheless hard-won. During this time, of course, his competitors have flown away. This is the harsh reality of ocean racing. You have to deal with the elements.


So, you have to accept and stay mobilized to continue fighting. This is what the skipper Fives Group – Lantana Environnement has been doing since last weekend. After more than 2 months at sea, alone: ​​keep your cool and your positive energy, no matter what happens. Take a step back.

"I'm tacking... Since yesterday I've found a bit of wind, I'm averaging 10 knots, but not on course. I'm going to go along the high pressure area to get back to the right a bit, I'm going to arrive in front of Itajaï. The close-hauled sailing will last a long time, but then it will be an efficient tack."

Wrong place at the wrong time

"I'm 5 days behind those I was with last weekend. They managed to get to the other side of the high pressure area, which was the challenge when we went back up to the coast of the Falklands. We had to go fast at that point, and without my downwind sails, I couldn't... It's frustrating but that's how it is. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

I've got about 15 knots, upwind, it's going to get a bit stronger. There's going to be a bit more time to go like that... We'll have to be patient."


10 days from the northern hemisphere

This world tour continues and that’s what counts! And, in 10 to 15 days, the skipper Fives Group – Lantana Environnement should be back in the northern hemisphere…

A respectuous and circular sporting event

The Fives IMOCA is an "upcycled" boat. Thanks to Louis, it lives a 2nd life!

Louis and his team gave a new life to a very damaged IMOCA because of a fire. This refurbishment undertaking was a real technical challenge... that succeeded in only 10 months!

Louis and his team continue to apply this upcycling principle and optimization research with a constant effort on sobriety throughout this Vendée Globe program.

Louis is also very keen on respecting everyone's work and giving a chance.

The Fives Group, a major partner in this Vendée Globe program, has been seduced by such commitment and values, as it shares the same values and responsibilities.

Fives, your partner for a more virtuous industry

For over 200 years, the Group has designed the breakthrough solutions and technologies that make industry what it is. From the first railways to the Eiffel Tower, through the spatial conquest, Fives always spearheaded the industry of the future. Pioneering decarbonization, the Group is an unconditional partner of the industry's energy transition. Through digitization, the promotion of a circular economy and the development of new processes and new energy sources, Fives puts its technological leadership to its customers' service.

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What a contrast!