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Press release: launch of the Cail & Fletcher e-Crystal™

A couple of weeks ago, Fives FCB launched on the market the Cail & Fletcher e-Crystal™. This new-born of Fives’ range of continuous centrifugal offers a strong response to market expectations: maximum autonomy, capacity, flexibility and quality. Integrating the latest innovations in terms of Industry 4.0, the Cail & Fletcher e-Crystal™ takes its position as the most technological advanced centrifugal available on the market.


The Cail & Fletcher e-Crystal™, the result of over 70 years of recognized expertise and an ambitious R&D program


With an installed base of over 1,300 centrifugals worldwide and technologies recognized by major players in the sector, Fives has leveraged its know-how to design and develop this latest generation of continuous centrifugals. Its design offers excellent energy efficiency thanks to the rapid evacuation of runoff from the lower part of the basket. Its modular patented basket design enables different qualities of massecuites to be processed for greater flexibility. Benefiting from a strong R&D policy, the continuous centrifugal Cail & Fletcher e-Crystal™ also integrates the latest innovations of Industry 4.0.